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On this page you will find a selection murals I have created over the years along with specific details (size, date, etc.) and the ideas that informed them. Directly below is a collection of images focusing on some specific examples. *Click images for full size*
Picture studies of the topic at hand where I usually examine patterns and places, along with the wall I'll be working on.
Putting what I absorbed from the picture study on to paper until I have a detailed, scale drawing to work with.
Utilizing chalk and spray paint to start and finish the mural freehanded or with stencils if necessary.
HEIGHT: 12 ft
LENGTH: 18 ft
This piece is inspired by Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing" but conceived in a different time of political heat. The mural was originally created during the George Floyd protests, summer of 2020, but not painted until 2021 due to structural difficulties. It portrays three of the film's key figures who create a classical element of Ancient Greek storytelling. The greek chorus is made up of onlookers who subtly share their opinion outside of the heat of the moment. They watch over what happens and usually forebode a tragic resolution. The three faceless characters watch over the neighborhood while offering another perspective. The "X" and crown are references to a character's drawing Of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. while the text is a direct quote from one of the protagonists.
HEIGHT: 14 ft
LENGTH: 44 ft
This piece was inspired by Cuban culture and architecture. The idea was to alter the viewer's perspective. Whether literally by changing the point of view by looking up from the ground, or figuratively by taking an underrepresented culture in the community (Cuba) and putting my own spin on it.
HEIGHT: Approx. 8ft
LENGTH: Approx. 2ft
This piece, still unfinished, is inspired by a drawing meant to creatively toy with perspective while including colorful and natural elements. I altered the painting slightly to fit the dimensions, not only physically but also visually to better mesh the empty space with the painted wall. One sketch uses the paint stroke to highlight this effect while the other sketch combines attributes of both urban and natural life, highlighting their differences and similarities.
HEIGHT: 5 ft
LENGTH: 3.5 ft
Inspired in part by Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea" we have a calm Santiago fishing amidst a very active sky and sun. The tackle on the end of the fishing line is drawn as if it were thrown toward the viewer in an attempt to show depth and the third dimension in a relatively tight space. Also notice Santiago's bright sea blue eyes inspired by a famous passage from the novel.
HEIGHT : approx. 7 ft
LENGHT: approx. 10 ft
This is less of a mural and more of two individual yet coinciding pieces. The rose and the anchor were made a few weeks apart from each other and for different reasons. I drew up the rose design to accompany our little garden in the front of our house, while the anchor was conceived due to the space and colors I possessed. Both use similar techniques of a main focus object encompassed by a shape of a corresponding color which I believe allows the two to share the space nicely.
HEIGHT: 7 ft
LENGTH: 8 ft
At the time the Co-Vid19 lockdown had just started in America, so in an attempt to bring the outside world inside, I created a piece based off of a photograph of Aruba hanging in our living/dining room. This is the only piece I had never drawn and planned out beforehand and the only so far where I used spray paint as well as paint markers. From a frontal perspective it is meant to give the illusion of being on the beach while you eat next to another table.
HEIGHT: 6.5 ft
LENGHT: 14 ft
This was created for the boxing coach of Philadelphia fighter Bryant Jennings as my very first commission. The grand idea was a boxing themed wall in the client's home gym and this was the result. Above and to the right you will see the two original sketches I worked on to create the final piece. Because of the unevenness of the surface, every aspect of it was freehanded, aside from the figures in the middle which were obtained with three layered stencils I designed and cut.
HEIGHT: 7.5 ft
LENGTH: 19 ft
This is my very first mural and it was done as a group project with my little sister (her mural not pictured). The concept was the coexistence of nature and city, and I chose to design and paint the "nature" part of it. My goal was to incorporate the larger aspects of nature into one flowing piece. Here you can see animals, land, water, air and sun all represented. Also, above and to the left you will see my final sketch (done digitally).